Tuesday, March 25, 2014

2 marks questions for cse 3rd yr (s/w engg)

1. What is software engineering .

Software Engineering is a discipline in which theories ,methods and tools are
applied to develop professional software product.

2. Differentiate between Software Engineering and Computer Science.

Software Engineering Computer Science
The software engineering is concerned
with the practical problems of producing
The computer science deals with the
theories and methods used by the
computers and software systems.
Some knowledge of computer science is
necessary for the software engineers to
develop the software.
Elegant theories cannot be completely
applicable to the software engineering
when software solution to complex or real
world problem has to be developed.

3. What is software process model.
The software process model can be defined as an abstract representation of
process. The software process model consists of various process activities, role of

people involved in process development and software product.1. What is software engineering .

5. How to create good software.
Satisfying the user requirement is not the only goal of good software. There some
essential attributes of good software and those are,
i) Maintainability
ii) Usability
iii) Dependability
iv) Efficiency

6. What are challenges in software engineering.
The key challenges facing software engineering are:
􀂃 Copying with legacy systems.
􀂃 Heterogeneity challenge.
􀂃 Delivery time challenge.

7. What are software characteristics?
Software development is a logical activity and therefore it is important to
understand basic characteristics of software .Some important characteristics of software
• Software is engineered, not manufactured.
• Software does not wear out.
• Most software is custom built rather than being assembled from components.

8. What are goals/ objectives of software engineering?
♦ Satisfy user requirements.
♦ High reliablity
♦ Delivery on time
♦ Low production costs.
♦ High performance.
♦ Ease of reuse.

9. Define Verification and Validation.
Verification reprents the set of activities that are carried out to confirm the
software correctly implements the specific functionality.
Validation reprents set of activities that ensure that the software that has been is
satisfying the customer requirements.

10. What is system engineering?
System Engineering means designing, implementing, deploying and operating the
systems which include hardware, software and people.

11. What are restraining factors for system model constructions?
♦ Assumptions
♦ Simplifications
♦ Limitations
♦ Constraints
♦ Preference

12. Define Computer based System.
The computer based system can be defined as “a set or an arrangement of
elements that are organized to accomplish some predefined goal by processing

13. What are goals of business process Engineering.
♦ The goal of business Process Engineering is to define such an architectures
using which information can be effectively used by the business.

♦ For satisfying business architecture and goals there are three different
architectures that can be analyzed and designed these are,♦ Data architecture
♦ Applications architecture.
♦ Technology infrastructure.

14. What are the goals of product engineering
• The goal of product engineering is to translate the customers demand working
• To achieve this goal architecture is built.

15. What is embedded system process.
The embedded system process is a process which works as a part of software
model. Embedded system process run on a single processor or an integrated group
of processors.

16. Distinguish between process and methods.
Software process can be defined as the structured set of activities that are
required to develop the software system. Various activities under software process
􀂃 Specification
􀂃 Design and implementation
􀂃 Validation
􀂃 Evolution
Method is used mainly in object-oriented programming; the term method refers to
a piece of code that is exclusively associated either with an class or a object.

17. Why software architecture is important in software process.
The software architecture gives the hierarchical structure of software components
and their interactions .In software architecture the software model is designed and
structure of that model is partitioned horizontally or vertically .This helps in
implementing a quality software product.

18. What are phases encompassed in the RAD model.
Various phases in the RAD model are
􀂾 Business modeling
􀂾 Data modeling
􀂾 Process modeling
􀂾 Application generation
􀂾 Testing and turnover

19. Which process model leads to software reuse? Why.
The object oriented model is used for the software reuse because –this model is
based on the incremental development of the software product. This can be done
in one or more iterations.

20. What does system engineering model accomplish?
System engineering is modeling process. it accomplishes following things.
♦ The process that needs a view of consideration is defined.
♦ Behavior of the system.
♦ Exogenous and endogenous input is defined.
♦ All linkages for understand

1. What are problems associated with requirements.
􀂾 Requirements imprecision-
(1) Problems arise when requirements are not precisely stated.
(2) Ambiguous requirements may be interpreted in different ways by developers and
(3) Consider meaning of term ‘appropriate viewers’
(a) User intention-Special purpose viewer for each different document type.
(b) Developer interpretation-Provide a text viewer that shows the contents of the
􀂾 Requirements completeness and consistency.

2. Define Feasibility studies.
A feasibility study is a study made to decide whether or not the proposed system

is worthwhile.

3. What are the benefits of software prototyping?
• Prototype can serve as a basis for deriving system specification
• Working system becomes available as there is a closer match of prototype
with actual system
• System can be maintained easily
• Development efforts may get reduced
• If any service is missing or confusing then that can be identified

4 . Write the advantages of Evolutionary prototyping
♦ Fast delivery of the working system
♦ User is involved while developing the system
♦ More useful system can be delivered
♦ Specifications design and implementation work in co-ordinate manner

5 . What are the problems occur in throw away prototyping
􀂃 Developers may be pressurized to deliver throw away prototype as
final system
􀂃 The throw away prototype can be undocumented
􀂃 Sometimes organizational quality standard may not be strictly applied
􀂃 Changes made during the software development process may degrade
the system structures.

6. State the analysis Modeling Approach
Analysis Modeling Approach
Structured approach Object Oriented approach
The analysis is made on data and process
in which data is transformed as spate
The analysis is made on the classes and
interaction among them in order to meet the
customer requirements.


Data objects are modeled in a way in which
data attributes and their relationship is
defined in structured approach.
Unified modeling language and unified
process are used in object oriented
modeling approach.

7. What are attributes
Attributes define properties of data object
Typically there are three types of attributes:
♦ Naming attributes: These attributes are used to name an
instances of data object
♦ Descriptive attributes: These attributes are used to describe the
characteristics or features of the data object
♦ Referential attribute: These are the attributes that are used in
making reference to another instance in another table

8. Define cardinality and Modality
Cardinality in data modeling ,cardinality specifies how the number of occurrences
of object is related to the number of occurrences of another objects.

9. Define data Dictionary
The data dictionary can be defined as an oranginised collection of all the data
elements of the system with precise and rigorous definitions so that user and system
analyst will have a common understanding of inputs ,outputs, components of stores and
intermediate calculations.

10. Why SRS must be traceable ?What is traceability requirements
There may be chances of having new requirements during development of the
software. Traceability is concerned with relationship between requirements their sources
and the system design. Thus change in requirement is manageable if SRS is

11. Compare evolutionary prototyping and throw away prototyping
Evolutionary Prototype Throw away prototype


The principle objective of evolutionary
model is to deliver the working system to
the end user
The principle objective of throw away
prototype is to validate or derive the system
The process of development starts with
well understood requirements.
The process of development starts with
poorly understood requirements
It must be developed for the systems where
the specifications cannot be developed in
The process away prototype is developed to
reduce the requirement risks.

12. Compare functional and behavioral model
Functional model Behavioral model
The functional model depicts all the essential
functionalities of the system
The behavioral model represents how system
The functional model is represented by data
flow and control flow diagrams
The behavioral model is represented by state
chart diagram
The DFDS can be represented by levels The state diagram has some number of states
and transitions

13. What is meant by software prototyping.
System prototyping us a rapid software development for validating the requirements .The
use of system prototype is to help customers and developers to understand the system

14. Differentiate between data flow diagram and state transition diagram.
Data Flow diagram State Flow diagram
Data flow diagram is graphical representation
for representing the information flow and the
transforms that are applied as data move from
input to output
State transition diagram is a graphical
representation for representing the behavior of
a system by depicting its states and the events
that cause the system, to change state.


The data flow diagram is a collection of
process data store, flow of data.
The data flow diagrams are used to represent
the system at any level of abstractions and the
increasing levels are used to expose more and
more functionalities in the system.
The state transition diagrams are typically
drawn at single level .They intended to expose
the overall behavior of the system.

15. Which style of prototyping is most appropriate when the requirements are not well
A throw away prototyping approach has to be used when requirements are not
well understood .Because in this approach there is a rough demonstrations of requirements and it
can be discarded if not achieving the level of satisfaction.

16. How do we use the models that we create during requirements analysis.
Data, functional and behavioral requirements are modeled in various
diagrammatic formats. Data model defines data objects attributes and relationship functional
modeling indicates how data are transformed within a system Behavioral model shown the
impact of events ,After creating these models they are further refined and analyzed for its
completeness and competency.

17. What is requirement Engineering?
Requirement Engineering is the process of
􀂾 Establishing the services that the customer requires from a system.
􀂾 And the constraints under which it operates and is developed.

18.What are the types of non functional Requirements.
The classification of non functional requirements are
Product Requirements
Organizational Requirements
External Requirements.

19. State the uses of CSPEC?

􀂾 How the software behaves when an event or signal is sensed.


􀂾 Which processes are invoked as a consequences of the occurences of event.

20. What is the major distinction between user requirements and system Requirements?
The user requirements describe both the functional and non functional
requirements in such a way that they are understandable by the users who donot have
detailed technical knowledge.On the other hand the system requirements rae more
detailed specifications of sytem functions,services and constraints than user


1. What are elements of analyzing model.
The elements of analyzing model are,
• Data Dictionary
• Entity relationship diagram
• Data flow diagram
• State transition diagram
• Control specifications
• Process specifications.

2. State the Design principles.
• The design process should not suffer from “tunnel vision”
• The design should be traceable to the analysis model.
• The design should be structured to accommodate change.
• The design should exhibit uniformity and integration.

3. Define modular Design.

Modular design reduces complexity and helps in easier implementation .The
parallel development of different parts of the system is possible due to modular

4. What are different types of cohesion?
􀂃 Coincidentally Cohesion
􀂃 Logically cohesion
􀂃 Temporal cohesion
􀂃 Procedural cohesion
􀂃 Communicational cohesion

5. What are benefits of refactoring?
Benefits of refactoring are,
♦ The redundancy can be achieved
♦ Inefficient algorithms can be eliminated
♦ Poorly constructed
♦ Other design failures can be rectified.

6. Write advantages of Graphical User Interface.
♦ GUIs are easy to use .An inexperienced user can the system easily with the
graphical user interface
♦ The user can switch from one task to another very easily .He can also be
interact with many applications simultaneously.
♦ Fast and full screen interaction is possible with user.

7. Define Real time system
Real time system is software in which the correct functionalities of the system are
dependent upon results produced by the system and the time at which these results are produced.

8.What are the real time software design.
􀂃 Periodic Stimuli: These are the stimuli that occur at periodic time interval.
􀂃 A periodic Stimuli: These are the stimuli that occur at unpredictable time interval


9. What are executive’s components of real time Executives?
The executive’s components are
􀂙 Real time clock
􀂙 Interrupt handler
􀂙 Scheduler
􀂙 Resource manager
􀂙 Dispatcher

10. How Scheduling Strategies can be done.
The Scheduling Strategies can be done as
• Non preemptive scheduling
• Preemptive scheduling
• Various scheduling algorithms that can be used are shortest job fist, round robin,
priority based scheduling.

11.State the guide lines for modular design
The guideline modular design are ,
􀂾 Achieve the functional independence
􀂾 High level of cohesion should be achieved
􀂾 There should be minimum number of coupling.

12. How do you evaluate user interface
The user interface can be evaluated by accessing the usability of interface and checking
that it meets the user requirements.
􀂾 After preparing the preliminary design a first level prototype is
created.This prototype is evalusted by the user.
􀂾 The a formal technical review is conducted.


􀂾 The feedback of both the above mentioned reviews is given to the designer
to make appropriate design modifications.
􀂾 The evaluation cycle is continued no further modifications are suggested
in the interface design.

13. List out the Design concepts?
􀂾 Abstraction
􀂾 Modularity
􀂾 Architecture
􀂾 Refinement
􀂾 Pattern
􀂾 Information Hiding
􀂾 Functional Independence
􀂾 Refactoring
􀂾 Design classes

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