BTCS 405 System Programming
Objective/s and Expected Outcome: This course provides knowledge to design various
system programs.
1. Introduction: Introduction to system programming and different types of system programs –
editors, assemblers, macro-processors, compilers, linkers, loader, debuggers. [2]
2. Assemblers: Description of single pass and two pass assemblers, use of data structures likeOPTAB and SYMTAB, etc. [9]
3. Macroprocessors: Description of macros, macro expansion, conditional and recursive
macro expansion. [5]
4. Compilers: Various phases of compiler – lexical, syntax and semantic analysis, intermediate
code generation, code optimization techniques, code generation, Case study : LEX and YACC. [9]
5. Linkers and Loaders: Concept of linking, different linking schemes, concept of loading and
various loading schemes. [5]
6. Editors: Line editor, full screen editor and multi window editor, Case study MS-Word, DOS
Editor and vi editor. [4]
7. Debuggers: Description of various debugging techniques. [2]
Suggested Readings/ Books:
1. Donovan J.J., “Systems Programming”, New York, Mc-Graw Hill, 1972.
2. Dhamdhere, D.M., “Introduction to Systems Software”, Tata Mc-Graw Hill, 1996.
3. Aho A.V. and J.D. Ullman ,”Principles of compiler Design” Addison Wesley/ Narosa 1985.
4. Kenneth C. Louden,” Compiler Construction”, Cengage Learning.
Objective/s and Expected Outcome: This course provides knowledge to design various
system programs.
1. Introduction: Introduction to system programming and different types of system programs –
editors, assemblers, macro-processors, compilers, linkers, loader, debuggers. [2]
2. Assemblers: Description of single pass and two pass assemblers, use of data structures likeOPTAB and SYMTAB, etc. [9]
3. Macroprocessors: Description of macros, macro expansion, conditional and recursive
macro expansion. [5]
4. Compilers: Various phases of compiler – lexical, syntax and semantic analysis, intermediate
code generation, code optimization techniques, code generation, Case study : LEX and YACC. [9]
5. Linkers and Loaders: Concept of linking, different linking schemes, concept of loading and
various loading schemes. [5]
6. Editors: Line editor, full screen editor and multi window editor, Case study MS-Word, DOS
Editor and vi editor. [4]
7. Debuggers: Description of various debugging techniques. [2]
Suggested Readings/ Books:
1. Donovan J.J., “Systems Programming”, New York, Mc-Graw Hill, 1972.
2. Dhamdhere, D.M., “Introduction to Systems Software”, Tata Mc-Graw Hill, 1996.
3. Aho A.V. and J.D. Ullman ,”Principles of compiler Design” Addison Wesley/ Narosa 1985.
4. Kenneth C. Louden,” Compiler Construction”, Cengage Learning.
OPTAB and SYMTAB, etc. [9]
3. Macroprocessors: Description of macros, macro expansion, conditional and recursive
macro expansion. [5]
4. Compilers: Various phases of compiler – lexical, syntax and semantic analysis, intermediate
code generation, code optimization techniques, code generation, Case study : LEX and YACC. [9]
5. Linkers and Loaders: Concept of linking, different linking schemes, concept of loading and
various loading schemes. [5]
6. Editors: Line editor, full screen editor and multi window editor, Case study MS-Word, DOS
Editor and vi editor. [4]
7. Debuggers: Description of various debugging techniques. [2]
Suggested Readings/ Books:
1. Donovan J.J., “Systems Programming”, New York, Mc-Graw Hill, 1972.
2. Dhamdhere, D.M., “Introduction to Systems Software”, Tata Mc-Graw Hill, 1996.
3. Aho A.V. and J.D. Ullman ,”Principles of compiler Design” Addison Wesley/ Narosa 1985.
4. Kenneth C. Louden,” Compiler Construction”, Cengage Learning.
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