Tuesday, March 25, 2014

                                            CSE (Sem. – 7th)               Total marks- 24
                                               SP(SYSTEM PROGRAMMING)  
Course Incharge:AP. Jatinder Kaur

2 Mark Questions:-
                                                   SECTION- A                           4*2=8
1)     Define Symbol Table?
2)      What is the use of LTROG operation?
3)      What is lexical Analysis?
4)      What is Assembly language?

4 Mark Questions:-                                                                              4*4=16
                                                          SECTION –B
5. Write the algorithm and draw the flowchart for pass-I Assembler?
6. What are Assembler Directives. Explain any five ?
Draw a block diagram of the phases of the Compiler and Indicate the main     function of each phase?

8  Differentiate b/w top down and bottom up parsing ?

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