BTCS 901 Web
Technologies (Elective-I)
WORLD WIDE WEB: Introduction,
Internet Addressing, ISP, types of Internet
Connections, Introduction to WWW,
WEB Browsers, WEB Servers, URLS, http, WEB applications,
Tools for WEB site creation. (4)
HTML: Introduction to
HTML, Lists, adding graphics to HTML page, creating tables, linking documents,
frames, DHTML and Style sheets.
Java Script: Introduction,
programming constructs: variables, operators and expressions, conditional
checking, functions and dialog
boxes, JavaScript DOM, creating forms, introduction to Cookies JAVA: Introduction
to java objects and classes, control statements, arrays, inheritance,
Exception handling. (6)
syntax rules, XML elements, XML attributes, XML DTD displaying XML with
CSS. (6)
AJAX : Introduction,
HTTP request, XMHttpRequest, AJAX Server Script, AJAX Database. PHP: Introduction,
syntax, statements, operators, sessions, E-mail, PHP and MySQL, PHP and AJAX. Suggested
1. Deitel,Deitel, Nieto, and
Sandhu: XML How to Program, Pearson Education.
2. Herbert Schildt:
Java 2: The Complete Reference, Fifth Edition, TMH
3. Ivan Bayross: Web Enabled
Commercial Application
4. Schafer: Development, BPB
5. HTML,CSS, JavaScript,Perl, Python and PHP, Wiley
India Textbooks
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